Though medical marijuana dispensaries are now legal in New Jersey, illegal distribution of marijuana remains a serious criminal offense. When you’ve been arrested for a marijuana distribution charge in New Jersey, which has a reputation for some of the harshest penalties for drug offenses in the country, you are likely to face serious jail time if convicted. That’s because the sale and distribution of marijuana in New Jersey are regulated by both state and federal law. Although a movement throughout the country is underway to make possession, sale, and manufacture of marijuana legal for personal, non-medical use under certain conditions, New Jersey still punishes illegal distribution of marijuana with severe penalties.
If you’ve been charged with marijuana distribution in New Jersey, Hackensack attorney Adam M. Lustberg can help mitigate the damages, build a solid case, and fight for your rights. Contact him today to schedule a free initial consultation about your marijuana distribution case.
If you’ve been charged with marijuana possession with intent to distribute in Rochelle Park, Fair Lawn, Fort Lee, or anywhere else in New Jersey, you may face severe penalties that include, in most cases, imprisonment for up to 20 years. The exact penalties are determined by the weight of marijuana:
A person who is convicted of possessing weed in a school zone or any property used for school purposes or within 1,000 feet of a New Jersey school property, including a school bus or a children’s park, is subject to additional severe penalties. The statute reads as follows:
“Any person who violates subsection a. of N.J.S.2C:35-5 by distributing, dispensing or possessing with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog while on any school property used for school purposes which is owned by or leased to any elementary or secondary school or school board, or within 1,000 feet of such school property or a school bus, or while on any school bus, is guilty of a crime of the third degree and shall, except as provided in N.J.S.2C:35-12, be sentenced by the court to a term of imprisonment.”
If you’ve been charged with possession with intent to deliver within drug free zones in Bergen County or Essex County, NJ, you face additional severe penalties if convicted.
While the sentences and fines for NJ marijuana distribution charges vary, depending upon weight, location of sale, and age of customer, prison sentences can be up to 25 years, with repeat convictions adding up to a life sentence. Lesser penalties can include loss of driving privileges and fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Even if you didn’t intend to sell or distribute marijuana, if you possessed a certain amount of the drug, you may be charged with possession with intent to deliver (PWID). Regardless of whether that amount is intended for your own use and you did not plan to sell it, you may still be charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute and you could be subject to a felony conviction which will follow you for the rest of your life. You may also be charged with a felony marijuana distribution offense if you were arrested for drug manufacturing, drug distribution, and/or drug trafficking in New Jersey. If you are convicted of marijuana sale and distribution in NJ, the conviction could take away your freedom and destroy your future.
We have years of experience in courts through NJ and NY and a proven track record of success in criminal cases.
At Lustberg Law, we understand that decent people can be victimized by unfair laws. Once you’re in the New Jersey legal system, it can be tough to get out. Without proper representation, you may end up stuck in a downward spiral that seems inescapable. Even after you’ve served a prison sentence, the stringent requirements of probation could make staying out of jail again nearly impossible.
As a law firm that is dedicated to building a strong strategy to fight the prosecution’s case in NJ drug crime cases, we take our clients’ constitutional right to a fair trial very seriously. Regardless of what happened, you’re entitled to a vigilant defense designed to protect your rights. We will fight to get your marijuana distribution charges dismissed. If dismissal isn’t possible, Hackensack criminal attorney Adam M. Lustberg will negotiate the fairest possible outcome to minimize the damage to your life. As a vigilant attorney dedicated to protecting the rights of his clients, including those charged with drug crimes involving cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and illegal use of prescription drugs, Adam M. Lustberg fights for every defendant’s constitutional rights.
If you’ve been charged with possession with intent to distribute, cultivation, sale, or distribution of marijuana in Hackensack, Fair Lawn, Garfield, Fort Lee, Elmwood Park, or anywhere else in Bergen County, NJ, it is critical that you seek an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney to represent you. Being represented by a qualified attorney who has handled marijuana distribution charges hundreds of times could make all the difference between your freedom and many years of incarceration. Contact Paramus criminal defense attorney Adam M. Lustberg immediately so that he can begin the fight for your rights.
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